DPSS QS-ns Lasers

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In the modern, fast-paced manufacturing landscape, engineers often face challenges related to material processing, marking, polishing and cutting, leading them to seek solutions that balance precision, speed and cost-effectiveness. 

Advanced Optowave Corporation, a leader in laser technology since 2007, specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions across industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, medical device production, consumer electronics and metal fabrication. Our DPSS QS NS Lasers stand out as versatile tools capable of addressing numerous engineering requirements. 

What Are DPSS QS NS Lasers?

Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) Q-switched (QS) nanosecond (NS) lasers utilize a solid gain medium to produce highly focused light. 

Q-switching refers to the method of pulsing the laser to generate short, intense bursts of light in the nanosecond range. Q-switching achieves high peak power, making it ideal for applications that require precision and minimal thermal impact. Advanced Optowave Corporation’s DPSS QS NS lasers are available in numerous wavelengths, including UV nanosecond lasers and green nanosecond lasers.

Features of DPSS QS NS Lasers

DPSS QS NS Lasers by Advanced Optowave Corporation offer a compelling set of features, allowing them to deliver exceptional performance across various demanding environments. These include:

Common Applications of DPSS QS NS Lasers 

The versatility and precision of DPSS QS NS Lasers make them suitable for a wide array of applications, including:

Learn More About Our Nanosecond Lasers

By combining cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of customer needs, Advanced Optowave Corporation empowers businesses to achieve new heights of productivity and innovation.

Schedule an appointment to discuss how DPSS QS NS lasers can enhance your manufacturing processes. We provide free demos and even the potential to use a demo system for up to two weeks, allowing you to experience firsthand the increased precision and performance our lasers bring to your operation.