Laser Micromachining Systems

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Laser Micromachining

Advanced Optowave Corporation has developed a series of laser micromachining equipment equipped with high-precision linear stages, high-performance galvanometer systems and our independently developed ultrafast lasers covering wavelengths from UV to IR. These laser systems can perform both drilling and cutting and have the capacity to operate with micron and sub-micron-level precision.

Benefits of Laser Micromachining Systems

The most notable advantage of our laser micromachining systems is their precision. Laser micromachining allows extremely fine control of the material removal process, enabling the creation of intricate features at a microscopic level. With micro-level focused laser beams and non-contact machining, laser micromachining results in minimal material waste, damage and contamination when compared to traditional methods.

Laser micromachining systems are suitable for a number of materials, such as plastics, metals and ceramics, and deliver a uniform finish on every workpiece.

Applications for Precision Micromachining

While some laser systems are more suited to marking alone, laser micromachining systems can perform far more. Common applications for these machines include: 

  • Drilling micro-holes: You can create micro-holes in injector nozzles, microfluidic devices and filtration systems. Our laser micromachining systems are capable of femtosecond and picosecond drilling in various materials, like stainless steel and medical-grade polymers.
  • Micro-cutting: Use precision micromachining for intricate designs and components, such as medical stents and electronic components. Our systems create clean, sharp edges with advanced vision systems and precision workpiece positioning. 
  • Surface structuring: You could add textures or functional features, such as hydrophobic and hydrophilic preparation, to surfaces. Applications for surface structuring include biomedical implants, tribology and optoelectronics. 
  • Selective material removal: Laser micromachining systems deliver enough precision for selective material removal. This application is ideal for cleaning or modifying thin films or coatings. High-precision lasers can modify these outer layers without damaging the substrate. 

These techniques can give your products an edge over your competitors. A few industries that use laser micromachining are:

  • Consumer electronics: You can use industrial lasers for PCB cutting, wafer scribing, glass/sapphire processing and more.
  • Automotive: Laser micromachining systems are valuable for manufacturing fuel injectors, creating sensors and fine-tuning your electronic systems. 
  • Aerospace: This industry demands tight tolerances for various components and use cases, such as optical fiber termination tools and surface modification for improved aerodynamics. 
  • Research and development: Universities and research institutes can use this technology to develop new products or prove theories. 
  • Medical device manufacturing: Minimally invasive devices have revolutionized modern medicine by allowing surgeons and physicians to perform complex procedures with reduced trauma, faster recovery times and improved patient outcomes. These devices are used in various medical specialties, including surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology and gynecology, among others. Examples of minimally invasive devices include laparoscopic instruments, endoscopes, stents, catheters, balloons and guidewires.

Schedule a Demo

Advanced Optowave Corporation develops and manufactures laser systems in-house to continually innovate and align with the highest standards in the industry. Our commitment to understanding client needs helps us deliver purpose-built systems for various applications. 

Our highly skilled team can also give you a demo of any of our micromachining systems. Just reach out to us to schedule a time. We ensure our team is fully capable of answering all your technical questions, allowing you to invest in a laser system with confidence.